
Your Life Began At Conception

Our Mission:
To establish in the hearts and minds of people the scientific fact
that their lives began at their conception.

Below is the text for an email clearly presenting the basic argument against abortion. It needs to be on the minds of every voter. Please help make that happen by copying it into an email and sending it to all your contacts to get the snowball rolling.

                    A Critical One-Minute Message Every Voter Should Hear :

5 Facts You Can’t Ignore About Abortion

It’s crucial that every voter understands the undeniable facts surrounding the issue of abortion. Please take just one minute to read this message and help spread the truth by forwarding it to all your contacts. Together, we can ensure everyone has the facts they need to make informed decisions:

1. Truth is not determined by belief or volume.
Wishing something to be true, or shouting it louder, doesn’t make it a fact. Only evidence and reason can define truth.

2. Life begins at conception.
From the moment an egg and sperm unite, a unique set of DNA is formed, defining an individual’s characteristics and identity. This is not a theory—it’s a fact proven by science. Even identical twins share the same DNA from the very beginning, splitting into separate yet identical individuals only days later.

3. Our founding principles start with the right to life.
The Declaration of Independence affirms our inalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. These rights are in a deliberate order—life comes first because without it no other right can exist.

4. A parent’s right to happiness does not override a child’s right to life.
Arguing that a parent’s pursuit of happiness is more important than their child’s right to life is not only illogical, but also selfish and dangerous. Life is the most fundamental right.

5. Killing an innocent life is murder.
In any civilized society, the deliberate taking of innocent life is murder. It is a moral truth that cannot be ignored if we want our nation to endure.

Let’s work together to share these critical facts and protect the most vulnerable among us. Please forward this message to all your contacts and let’s ensure everyone is properly informed.

Your Life Began At Conception Inc.    YLBAC.org

It is here!

The “Cube Of Truth

It presents both sides of the “Right To Life”debate in a very brief but comprehensive way.

Here it is in its printout form, ready to be cut, folded, and glued into a cube.

To make a 3D Cube just use the “Download” button,

Then open the file with “Paint” 2D,

print it on cardstock,

cut it out,

fold and glue it into it’s cube shape, with an optional magnet inside.

(Search on-line for “Ceramic Magnets”)

Then make more Cubes and leave them in prominent locations where the public can “discover” them, and hopefully get the message.

If you were to ask the average person when their life began, chances are very good that they would give you their birthday.
Since early childhood we have had a special attachment to that date, have celebrated it each year,
and have probably never had the inclination to think otherwise.

Scientifically this is not correct. At the time of your birth only your source of oxygen and nourishment changed.
All the original characteristics which made you the unique individual you are were determined at your CONCEPTION.