Roe v. Wade
In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that abortion is legal due to the privacy of the woman. They also stated that if it were to be established that the fetus is a person, then the argument for abortion rights would collapse. Thus, if it were to be established that life begins at conception there would be an excellent chance of overturning Roe v. Wade.
This begs the question:
Where and how must the scientific fact that we are defined and become a unique person at the instant of conception be established?
Our Answers:
We believe the concept that each of our lives began at conception must be established in the hearts and minds of the people.
We also believe that the best way to achieve this “establishment” is through the many methods and media of advertising.
Advertising is a principal means by which many concepts are established today in people’s minds, once formal education is complete.
The challenge therefore becomes one of developing and acquiring the means of advertising this critical truth to the population.
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